The NCD Policy Cube

representing the strength of policy environments to combat ncds

The NCD "Policy Cube", developed as part of the PA4NCDs project, brings together three axes to assess the strength of a policy framework to combat diet-related NCDs: comprehensiveness, effectiveness and equity. The fuller the cube, the more robust the policy framework for the prevention and control of NCDs.

buse et al (in-press), The state of diet-related NCD policies in Afghanistan,Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Tunisia and Vietnam: a comparative assessment that introduces a “Policy Cube”approach. Health policy and planning

These three axes bring together the work of the PA4NCDs Project policy content review, which seeks to understand the strength of national policies to combat and prevent diet-related NCDs. These three axes review:
1) dietary policy comprehensiveness, or the extent to which WHO Best Buy recommendations are reflected in national policy documents
2) the effectiveness of a policy’s implementation and enforcement mechanisms, such as the level of authority of the policy, whether it has an associated budget, and whether systems of accountability are specified, and
3) the extent to which the policy documents are oriented towards principles of equity, gender and human rights.

As part of the PA4NCDs project researchers across six countries have reviewed these elements of national-NCD policy and created a policy cube to reflect the strength of the national policy response, which you can find below. Further information about the PA4NCDs study and a series of policy briefs on the key findings can be found here.

Country Findings

ncd policy cubes across six countries







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