Human rights & healthy diets

bringing a rights-based approach to healthy diets

Healthy Societies believes that the right to health, the right to food and the right to human rights-enabling environments are critical foundations to ensure the health and well-being of all people at all ages. 

States have clear obligations to protect, respect and fulfil human rights--this includes ensuring that individuals are protected against discrimination, and commit the State to take positive actions: to provide and promote the conditions where the right to health can be fully realized.

Rights-based approaches have been effectively employed to ensure that these obligations are realised, most prominently, but not exclusively, in the response to HIV and AIDS. However, research from the PA4NCDs project shows that the potential of a human rights approach has bet to be realized when it comes to national NCD policies.

Healthy Societies is pleased to provide a space to inform, inspire and incite action on the application of rights-based approaches to ensuring healthy diets and an end to malnutrition in all of its forms. It is currently hosting a platform for public discussion of a recent call by 180 prominent leaders in global health and development to request WHO and OHCHR to develop human rights guidance on healthy diets and sustainable food systems. Healthy Societies is keen for everyone to join the discussion.


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